What is League of Legends?

League of Legends betting

Esports betting is becoming increasingly popular. Wettbasis sees this as an opportunity to present the basic features of the well-known classic League of Legends in order to prepare all readers as best as possible for potential bets. 

For those planning to bet on Esports, the following article is recommended after the basics: Esports Betting League of Legends. League of Legends (LOL for short) is a game played online. It belongs to the MOBA (Multiplayer Battle Arena) category and is a real-time strategy game.

League of Legends: Characters & their abilities

There are over 120 characters in League of Legends, also called champions. Each champion has four unique abilities and one passive ability. These are divided into classes.


Accordingly, there are different classes in League of Legends. These are: Tank, Supporter, Assassin, Mage, Marksman and Fighter, which are introduced below:

  • Tank: This is English for tank. These are characters that can take a lot of damage, have high resistances, but hardly cause any damage.
  • Supporter: The term comes from English and literally means “supporter”. They can give their team members various improvements – for example, increase attack or movement speed, give shields, heal and much more.
  • Assassin: This class specialises in killing enemy characters in seconds. This class has a very high damage potential, but you hardly have any resistances yourself and therefore die very easily.
  • Mages: These are characters who cast spells. The same applies: very high damage output, but low resistances.
  • Marksman: A marksman is a ranged fighter who deals damage from a greater distance.
  • Fighter: Is a champion who has a low attack range, can take quite a bit of damage, but can also spread it around.

As already mentioned above: of course there are not only characters belonging to one class. Usually there are two to three mixed together. The effects / special features in the fights are:

The types of damage

There is “attack damage” and there is some “ability strength”. These two classifications are abbreviated as AD and AP. AD = Attack Damage and AP = Ability Power.


The gamer distinguishes between magic resistance, life regeneration and life points. Armour blocks part of the AD damage and magic resistance helps against AP damage. Life regeneration is the amount of life points regenerated per second. Life points are abbreviated as HP for Hit Points or Health Points. If the HP are at zero, the character dies.


When you use an ability, it costs resources. The resources are: Fury, Energy, Mana, Rage, Health Points, Fierceness and Heat. Each of these resources is gained or charged differently. (There is one exception: the champion “Riven” does not consume any of them.) After the use of an ability, the so-called “cooldown” follows. This is the period of time that must be waited before the same ability can be used again.


The characters’ equipment can be improved. The so-called items can be bought in your own base with the currency gold. Armour, magic resistance, AD, AP, life regeneration, life steal (regain part of the AD damage as HP), magic vampire (regain part of the AP damage as HP), mana regeneration, chance of critical hits (AD damage that critically hits drains twice the opponent’s HP), running speed, attack speed and cooldown reduction can be purchased from the merchant in the base.

League of Legends: The game 5 vs. 5

The playing field is divided into two almost identical halves, each of which is assigned to a team. Depending on the map and game mode, there are several paths from base to base. These paths are generally referred to as lanes (“paths”) in game jargon. The area between them is summarised as the “jungle”. In this are different, neutral creatures that both teams can defeat. Some of these monsters give a champion unique, time-limited enhancements (buffs). The playing field is only uncovered at the places where a player, a tower, a vassal or a so-called “Ward” (“Eye” -> a one-time usable item that gives visibility for a limited time) of the own team is located. The rest is hidden in the so-called fog of war, which cannot be seen by either team.

Two teams of five players each compete against each other. The two teams start on opposite sides of the Summoner’s Rift, near the heart of their base, which is called the Nexus. The goal is to destroy the enemy Nexus. The nexus is defended by the enemy team and by computer-controlled units (called minions) and towers. The minions are sent in the direction of the enemy nexus and follow the respective “lanes”. They do not run through the “jungle”. They also attack nearby opponents. There are three inhibitors in addition to the nexus. You have to destroy an inhibitor, then two towers that protect the nexus and afterwards you can attack the enemy nexus. If you destroy it, you win the game.

By killing minions, monsters or enemy champions, characters gain experience and gold. They reach a higher level (“level”), in which you can unlock new abilities or improve them. In addition, various basic attributes (attack damage, armour, magic resistance) of the respective champion are improved. A game lasts about 25 to 45 minutes, and it is possible to end a game prematurely by surrendering. At least four of the players of the team concerned must agree to this.

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